Welcome to BuyAfricaMade

We connect millions of buyers and sellers around the world, empowering people & creating economic opportunity for all.

Buy Africa Made (BAM) is an e-commerce platform for African-made products. Our story began with the desire to support authentic African businesses and connect them to the rest of the world. We believe in intra-African trade and centering African products in the global market.


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Discover BAM’s Journey​

BuyAfricamde DPp
January 2020
Gets launched as online martketplace merchant by Martin Garrix in United States.
BuyAfricamde DPp
May 2006
Attracts first investor, Herba Beauty Care, and receives $10 million investment
BuyAfricamde DPp
December 2008
Gets $45 million more as Bison Coporation Partners jumps on the investment bandwagon
BuyAfricamde DPp
February 2012
Gets launched as online martketplace merchant by Martin Garrix in United States.

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